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CHWN Webinar Series

Past webinar: 


September - Artificial Intelligence in Health Care & Health Professional Regulation - Presented by Brenda Gamble, Kathleen Leslie, Zubin Austin and Andrea Foti

February - Needs-Based Planning for the Australian Mental Health Workforce - Presented by Sandra Diminic


September - Health Workforce Approaches in the United States: Lessons Learned from the Health Resources and Services Administration and its Centers of Health Workforce - Presented by Michelle M. Washko, Erin P. Fraher, and Bianca K. Frogner (presentation materials - HRSA/CHWRC/CHWS)

May - Addressing Health Worker Mental Health: A toolkit, its application, and leader-focused commentary - Presented by Melissa Corrente, Jelena Atanckovic, Katrina Mulherin, and Kelly Grimes

February A Call-to-Action for better planning, better care and better work through better data - Presented by Ivy Bourgeault


December Recognizing Leadership in Dietetic Practice - Presented by Billie Jane Hermosura

December Experiences of New Physician Graduates Transitioning to Rural Practice in Ontario - Presented by Kathleen Walsh

December Improving Spaces for Women First Responders - Presented by Kelly Gregory

December - Integrated Solutions to Canada's Health Workforce Crisis - Presented by: Linda Silas, Houssem Eddine Ben Ahmed, Arthur Sweetman, Ivy Lynn Bourgeault

October - An Inclusive, Integrated & Enhanced Health Workforce Minimum Data Standard for Planning & Decision-Making: A presentation to Canadian partners - Presented by Ivy Bourgeault

JuneLong-Term Care in Crisis - The Reality of COVID-19 - Presented by Andrea Baumann & Mary Crea-Arsenio

May - Country Roundtables Canada - The Pandemic and the Health Workforce Research on Impacts and Responses in Canada - Presented by: Neeru Gupta, Mary Bartram, Kate Leslie, Steve Slade, and Ivy Bourgeault

May - Country Roundtables United States - The Pandemic and the Health Workforce: Research on Impacts and Responses in the US - Presented by: David Armstrong, Bianca Frogner, Susan Chapman, Brianna Lombardi, and Jean Moore

May - Country Roundtables United Kingdom - Pandemic and the Health Workforce: Research on Impacts and Responses in the UK - Presented by: Katherine Checkland, Jon Gibson, Sharon Spooner, Andy Knapton, Morag Macpherson, and Ben Tait

May - Country Roundtables Australia/New Zealand - How do we build and maintain more flexibility in our health workforce to support integrated care in future? - Presented by: Nick Lord, Professor Sabina Knight, Emeritus Professor Des Gorman, Chris Robertson

January - A Path to Improving Health Workforce Planning, Policy & Management in Canada - Presented by: Eric Sutherland, Deborah Cohen, Katherine Smart, Linda Silas, Ivy Bourgeault - The School of Public Policy Publication - SPP Research Paper - December 2021 - A Path to Improved Health Workforce Planning, Policy and Management in Canada: The Critical Co-ordinating and Convening Roles for the Federal Government to Play in Addressing Eight per cent of its GDP


December - Integrated Primary Health Workforce Planning in the City of Toronto: Inputs, Process, Outputs & Impact - Presented by: Cynthia Damba, Ting Lim, Nathalie Sava, Sarah Simkin, Caroline Chamberland-Rowe, Anne-Marie Tynan - Panelists: Ivy Bourgeault, Rick Glazier, Curtis Handford, Cynthia Damba

November - COVID-19 and the Mental Health and Substance Use Health Workforce - Presented by: Mary Bartram, Jelena Atanackovic, Kim Hollihan, Gord Garner, and Bonnie Wong - PowerPoint (English/French)

October - Using Geographic and System Mapping to Understand the Factors Shaping Pregnant People’s Experiences Choosing and Accessing a Maternity Care Provider in Ontario’s Champlain Region - Presented by: Caroline Chamberland-Rowe and Darlene Rose

March COVID Impact on the Health Workforce - A 1-year Retrospective - Presented by Bianca K. Frogner

FebruaryInterprofessional Health Workforce Education and Planning: Why We All Need to Work Together - Presented by: Erin P. Fraher, Barbara Fifield Brandt, Ivy Lynn Bourgeault

February Health & Wellness in the Canadian Armed Forces and the Department of National Defence - Presented by Major-Général Marc Bilodeau; Moderator by Brenda Gamble (Webinar materials - FR


NovemberCOVID-19 and the Mental Health and Substance Use Workforce - Presented by: Mary Bartram, Karen Cohen, and Rebecca Jesseman

OctoberSetting a Research Agenda for Health Workforce Regulation and Governance in Canada - Presented by: Kate Leslie and Ivy Bourgeault; Moderated by: Tracey Adams

SeptemberHealth Workforce Strategies to Help Ensure Optimal Supply & Health System Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic - Presented by: Ali Coates & Mara Mihailescu with an introduction by Jennifer Zelmer & Ivy Bourgeault

2013-2015 (archived)

November, 2015-  Improving Care and Support for Unpaid Caregivers in Ontario: Findings from a Citizen Panel - Michael Wilson, McMaster Health Forum

October, 2015Primary Care Provider Perception of the Challenges of Managing Patients with Mental-Physical Multimorbidity: A Qualitative Study- Matthew Menear, Laval University

October, 2015Establish a Succession Platform Which Responds to Your Regional Demographics -Heather Murchison, North West Local Health Integration Network

March, 2015Psychiatry Workforce: Meeting the Needs: More Psychiatrists or role clarification?

February, 2015Health Workforce New Zealand: Forecasting Methodology

February, 2015Unemployed Physicians in Canada: Who are they and why is this happening?

January, 2015National Registration and Accreditation

January, 2015Conducting Comparative Policy Research in the Real World: Lessons from a Cross-Provincial Review of Team Based Primary Health Care

December, 2015Bridging the Silos: Moving to Integrated Health Care Provider Funding Models in Canada

June, 2014Health Professions Regulation in the U.S.: What are the issues?

June, 2014Moving from Barriers to Facilitators: Funding and remuneration models that better optimize health professional scopes of practice

June, 2014The Law and Interprofessional Collaboration in Canada

June, 2014Building a Healthcare Human Resources Database Index: 5 not-so-simple steps

March, 2014Occupational Therapists in Community Mental Health

March, 2014The Geoportal of Minority Health (also available in french)

March, 2014The ROI in Team- Developing a Return on Investment Framework for Team-Based Care

March, 2014Transforming Musculoskeletal Care in Alberta: Moving Upstream with Collaborative Teams in Primary Care

February, 2014Of Walls, Moats, and Ceilings: Reconceiving HHR in the Era of Quality Improvement(Revisiting Scopes of Practice)

January, 2014Enhancing Primary Health Care Delivery in the Inner City Through Interprofessional Teamwork

December, 2013Interprofessional Teams in the Chinook Primary Care Network