September - Artificial Intelligence in Health Care & Health Professional Regulation - Presented by Brenda Gamble, Kathleen Leslie, Zubin Austin and Andrea Foti
February - Needs-Based Planning for the Australian Mental Health Workforce - Presented by Sandra Diminic
September - Health Workforce Approaches in the United States: Lessons Learned from the Health Resources and Services Administration and its Centers of Health Workforce - Presented by Michelle M. Washko, Erin P. Fraher, and Bianca K. Frogner (presentation materials - HRSA/CHWRC/CHWS)
May - Addressing Health Worker Mental Health: A toolkit, its application, and leader-focused commentary - Presented by Melissa Corrente, Jelena Atanckovic, Katrina Mulherin, and Kelly Grimes
February - A Call-to-Action for better planning, better care and better work through better data - Presented by Ivy Bourgeault
December - Recognizing Leadership in Dietetic Practice - Presented by Billie Jane Hermosura
December - Experiences of New Physician Graduates Transitioning to Rural Practice in Ontario - Presented by Kathleen Walsh
December - Improving Spaces for Women First Responders - Presented by Kelly Gregory
December - Integrated Solutions to Canada's Health Workforce Crisis - Presented by: Linda Silas, Houssem Eddine Ben Ahmed, Arthur Sweetman, Ivy Lynn Bourgeault
October - An Inclusive, Integrated & Enhanced Health Workforce Minimum Data Standard for Planning & Decision-Making: A presentation to Canadian partners - Presented by Ivy Bourgeault
June - Long-Term Care in Crisis - The Reality of COVID-19 - Presented by Andrea Baumann & Mary Crea-Arsenio
May - Country Roundtables Canada - The Pandemic and the Health Workforce Research on Impacts and Responses in Canada - Presented by: Neeru Gupta, Mary Bartram, Kate Leslie, Steve Slade, and Ivy Bourgeault
May - Country Roundtables United States - The Pandemic and the Health Workforce: Research on Impacts and Responses in the US - Presented by: David Armstrong, Bianca Frogner, Susan Chapman, Brianna Lombardi, and Jean Moore
May - Country Roundtables United Kingdom - Pandemic and the Health Workforce: Research on Impacts and Responses in the UK - Presented by: Katherine Checkland, Jon Gibson, Sharon Spooner, Andy Knapton, Morag Macpherson, and Ben Tait
May - Country Roundtables Australia/New Zealand - How do we build and maintain more flexibility in our health workforce to support integrated care in future? - Presented by: Nick Lord, Professor Sabina Knight, Emeritus Professor Des Gorman, Chris Robertson
January - A Path to Improving Health Workforce Planning, Policy & Management in Canada - Presented by: Eric Sutherland, Deborah Cohen, Katherine Smart, Linda Silas, Ivy Bourgeault - The School of Public Policy Publication - SPP Research Paper - December 2021 - A Path to Improved Health Workforce Planning, Policy and Management in Canada: The Critical Co-ordinating and Convening Roles for the Federal Government to Play in Addressing Eight per cent of its GDP
December - Integrated Primary Health Workforce Planning in the City of Toronto: Inputs, Process, Outputs & Impact - Presented by: Cynthia Damba, Ting Lim, Nathalie Sava, Sarah Simkin, Caroline Chamberland-Rowe, Anne-Marie Tynan - Panelists: Ivy Bourgeault, Rick Glazier, Curtis Handford, Cynthia Damba
November - COVID-19 and the Mental Health and Substance Use Health Workforce - Presented by: Mary Bartram, Jelena Atanackovic, Kim Hollihan, Gord Garner, and Bonnie Wong - PowerPoint (English/French)
October - Using Geographic and System Mapping to Understand the Factors Shaping Pregnant People’s Experiences Choosing and Accessing a Maternity Care Provider in Ontario’s Champlain Region - Presented by: Caroline Chamberland-Rowe and Darlene Rose
March - COVID Impact on the Health Workforce - A 1-year Retrospective - Presented by Bianca K. Frogner
February - Interprofessional Health Workforce Education and Planning: Why We All Need to Work Together - Presented by: Erin P. Fraher, Barbara Fifield Brandt, Ivy Lynn Bourgeault
February - Health & Wellness in the Canadian Armed Forces and the Department of National Defence - Presented by Major-Général Marc Bilodeau; Moderator by Brenda Gamble (Webinar materials - FR)
November - COVID-19 and the Mental Health and Substance Use Workforce - Presented by: Mary Bartram, Karen Cohen, and Rebecca Jesseman
October - Setting a Research Agenda for Health Workforce Regulation and Governance in Canada - Presented by: Kate Leslie and Ivy Bourgeault; Moderated by: Tracey Adams
September - Health Workforce Strategies to Help Ensure Optimal Supply & Health System Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic - Presented by: Ali Coates & Mara Mihailescu with an introduction by Jennifer Zelmer & Ivy Bourgeault
November, 2015- Improving Care and Support for Unpaid Caregivers in Ontario: Findings from a Citizen Panel - Michael Wilson, McMaster Health Forum
October, 2015- Primary Care Provider Perception of the Challenges of Managing Patients with Mental-Physical Multimorbidity: A Qualitative Study- Matthew Menear, Laval University
October, 2015- Establish a Succession Platform Which Responds to Your Regional Demographics -Heather Murchison, North West Local Health Integration Network
March, 2015- Psychiatry Workforce: Meeting the Needs: More Psychiatrists or role clarification?
February, 2015- Health Workforce New Zealand: Forecasting Methodology
February, 2015- Unemployed Physicians in Canada: Who are they and why is this happening?
January, 2015- National Registration and Accreditation
January, 2015- Conducting Comparative Policy Research in the Real World: Lessons from a Cross-Provincial Review of Team Based Primary Health Care
December, 2015- Bridging the Silos: Moving to Integrated Health Care Provider Funding Models in Canada
June, 2014- Health Professions Regulation in the U.S.: What are the issues?
June, 2014- The Law and Interprofessional Collaboration in Canada
June, 2014- Building a Healthcare Human Resources Database Index: 5 not-so-simple steps
March, 2014- Occupational Therapists in Community Mental Health
March, 2014- The Geoportal of Minority Health (also available in french)
March, 2014- The ROI in Team- Developing a Return on Investment Framework for Team-Based Care
March, 2014- Transforming Musculoskeletal Care in Alberta: Moving Upstream with Collaborative Teams in Primary Care
February, 2014- Of Walls, Moats, and Ceilings: Reconceiving HHR in the Era of Quality Improvement: (Revisiting Scopes of Practice)
January, 2014- Enhancing Primary Health Care Delivery in the Inner City Through Interprofessional Teamwork
December, 2013- Interprofessional Teams in the Chinook Primary Care Network