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Strengthening the Health Workforce: Implementing an Intervention to Integrate Health Workers into Community Care (IHWCC)

Principal Investigators: Andrea Baumann, Kaiyan Fu, Sharat Medlerimutt, Mary Crea-Arsenio, Valentina Antonipillai

There is a threefold crisis in healthcare: not enough healthcare professionals, a growing and diverse population and inadequate community services to address their needs. Labour shortages have reached critical levels with disproportionate impacts on many sectors and regions. There is an increased demand for the provision of home healthcare services across the country. A McMaster University research team has partnered with one of Canada’s largest community care social enterprises to design, implement and evaluate an innovative health workforce solution. It focuses on internationally educated nurses to improve not only culturally-appropriate care but also their integration and retention in home care.

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For more information, contact Andrea Baumann at McMaster University ↓

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